Artificial Intelligence Driving Diabetes Care
Artificial Intelligence, Diabetes, CGMS,Precision Medicine, Glucose Variability, Machine Learning, Diabetes Management.Abstract
Artificial intelligence (AI), a technology reshaping
healthcare, is used to investigate, gather data and draw
conclusions from electronic medical records and
imaging procedures. AI has been shown to aid in
identifying, categorizing, diagnosing, and managing
diabetic mellitus [1]. It will likely continue to do so with
a clear understanding and the ability to find previously
unidentified solutions [2]. AI has a role in diabetes
helping to anticipate the diagnosis, provide nutrition
and exercise goals, monitor complications, and assist
with self-management [7]. We may now see the
management of diabetes and other chronic diseases
from a new viewpoint thanks to the expanded use of
continuous glucose monitoring and the identification of
patterns in glucose fluctuation known as glucose
variability [3]. It has paved the way for in-depth
research into the many new factors that affect
managing diabetes such as socio-economic factors,
sleep, and activity [1,2]