For International Medical Graduates2024-09-25T07:44:27+00:00Dr. Hassaan Tohidneurocalcibnp@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<article class="text"> <h1><u>OUR AIM</u></h1> <p>If we define our aim in one word, it’s “Service”. Our mission and aim is to serve science, scientific community, students, doctors, patients, & readers by providing correct and accurate scientific evidence-based information. Our goal is to be recognized as the journal that serves people and supports merit and publishes high quality articles with correct and accurate scientific information.<br /><br />We also aim to serve science by providing maximum visibility of articles published in the journal by making them available to all the readers.<br /><br />The JIMG also serves the authors by providing fast speed publication in 30 to 60 days while maintaining diligent peer review process. All articles are submitted online, and peer review is conducted electronically to operate a transparent peer review system for the authors to increase transparency. The reviewer's reports are provided to the authors before publishing.<br /><br />Another aim of JIMG is to provide economical online publication platform for IMGs where many journals charge a handsome fee of thousands of dollars, JIMG publishing fee is nominal under 250 USD to 300 USD per article. We give IMGs the opportunity to not only publish their articles but also join our team of reviewers and editorial board members.<br /><br />JIMG also serves the reviewers by paying reviewers for their service of reviewing articles. We are the first journal according to our knowledge that pays reviewers per article fee for reviewing the article. In a nutshell, JIMG serves all parties involved in the process of writing and publishing.</p> </article> <p><br /><br /></p> <article class="text"> <h1><u>SCOPE</u></h1> <p>The journal targets medical students, doctors, clinicians of all fields, patients, research scientists, and readers worldwide. We equip international medical personnel with the necessary knowledge at the comfort of their homes.<br /><br />JIMG publishes original articles (clinical trials, and observational studies), review articles (traditional reviews, scoping reviews, mapping reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analysis), letters to the editor, opinion articles, idea article, editorial articles, animal studies, in-vitro studies and all kinds of empirical studies on a broad range of medical topics, including endocrinology, dermatology, cardiology, gastroenterology, nephrology, hematology, hematology, rheumatology, immunology, microbiology, pathology, pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics, anesthesiology, ophthalmology, psychiatry, general surgery, neurology, and oncology. In a nutshell, the journal is open to all fields related to medicine and healthcare.<br /><br />The journal is the official journal of California Institute Of Behavioral Neurosciences and Psychology and encourages CiBNP students and graduates to submit their articles to the journal. However, the journal is open for clinicians of all field across the globe. The articles whether submitted by the CiBNP students and graduates or non-CiBNP students will be processed on merit and will go through a proper peer-review process. If the reviewers consider the article unacceptable to be published by the JIMG, the article will be rejected. No personal likes and dislikes will be considered while making the decision of publication. The JIMG will follow the journal policies and operations guidelines to decide the fate of the article which is strictly merit based.<br /><br />For any queries and concerns please contact<br /><br />In a nutshell, JIMG serves all parties involved in the process of writing and publishing.</p> </article> of a Ketogenic Diet in Children with Refractory Epilepsy: A Systemic Review2024-09-11T11:35:57+00:00Jahnavi Gurramkonda M.Dinfo@jimgs.comShaan I. Amina Amin MBBSinfo@jimgs.comBinay K. Panjiyar S. Esraa M. AlEdani M.Dinfo@jimgs.comLubna<p>A notable proportion (10%-20%) of children with <br>epilepsy remain unresponsive to pharmacological <br>treatment. Current strategies for the management of <br>refractory epilepsy encompass surgical treatments <br>(vagus nerve stimulation) as well as the adoption of a <br>Ketogenic Diet. By adhering to the Preferred Reporting <br>Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses <br>guidelines, we conducted a systematic review to identify <br>all relevant studies in English language that investigated <br>the effectiveness of a Ketogenic diet in children with <br>refractory epilepsy. A total of 125 studies were identified <br>and eight, involving a total of 1330 patients, met the <br>criteria. Of the identified eight studies, one was <br>randomized controlled trial, one was systematic <br>review/meta-analysis, and the rest were observational <br>studies. More than half (54%) of the participants <br>reported seizure resolution, while 17% became seizure<br>free after one month of initiating the ketogenic diet. <br>Ketogenic diet have been shown to be efficacious for the <br>treatment of epilepsy in infants.</p>2024-09-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal For International Medical Graduates Maslow’s Legacy: A Personal Exploration of Hierarchy2024-07-18T08:20:49+00:00Dr. Hassaan<p>The present systematic review compares the effects of<br>the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) and the endotracheal<br>tube (ETT) on hemodynamic response and airway<br>difficulties in pediatric anesthesia patients. The terms<br>"children," "postoperative," "pediatrics," "laryngeal<br>mask airway," "endotracheal tube," and "subglottic"<br>were utilized. The scope of the literature review was<br>limited to randomized controlled trials (RCTs), and<br>PubMed, Google Scholar, and the Cochrane Library were<br>among the databases searched. Two reviewers used the<br>Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool to assess quality. Eight RCTs<br>in total were included. When compared to the ETT,<br>results showed that the number of attempts for<br>endotracheal intubation was fewer than for the<br>placement of the LMA. Additionally, there was an<br>increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and mean arterial<br>pressure with the use of the ETT. The incidence of<br>postoperative respiratory complications, including<br>laryngospasm, bronchospasm, and sore throat, was<br>higher with the use of the ETT. We conclude that the use<br>of the LMA can be a safe alternative to the ETT in<br>pediatric patients, producing fewer hemodynamic<br>changes and postoperative complications.</p>2024-07-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal For International Medical Graduates Allergic and Irritant Contact Dermatitis based on histopathology: Overview2024-09-25T07:44:27+00:00Munira Malikinfo@jimgs.comHoward<p>Differentiating Allergic Contact Dermatitis(ACD) from<br>Irritant Contact Dermatitis (ICD) has posed a significant<br>challenge for dermatologists, allergists, and<br>histopathologists. Over the years, many studies have<br>been conducted to determine whether ACD can be<br>differentiated from ICD based on histopathology<br>findings. A clear-cut distinction based on histopathology<br>will facilitate the diagnosis and appropriate<br>management of both conditions.<br>Abbreviations: CD, Contact Dermatitis; ACD, allergic<br>contact dermatitis; ICD, irritant contact dermatitis</p>2024-09-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal For International Medical Graduates Versus Enoxaparin for Deep Vein Thrombosis Prevention After Orthopedic Surgery: A Review of Efficacy and Safety2024-09-23T06:55:53+00:00Sayed A Mahmudinfo@jimgs.comAnura Manandharinfo@jimgs.comGhadeer Sabirinfo@jimgs.comHala Abdeldadyinfo@jimgs.comAdoum Oumar Abakarinfo@jimgs.comRavindra Reddy Iana<p>Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a significant complication <br>following orthopedic surgery. This review evaluates the <br>comparative efficacy and safety of aspirin and <br>enoxaparin for DVT prophylaxis in this patient <br>population. A comprehensive literature search identified <br>relevant <br>randomized controlled trials (RCTs), <br>retrospective studies, and systematic reviews with <br>meta-analyses comparing these two medications. The <br>findings regarding aspirin's efficacy compared to <br>enoxaparin are mixed. While some studies suggest <br>comparable effectiveness in preventing DVT, others <br>indicate a potential advantage for enoxaparin. However, <br>aspirin offers advantages in terms of ease of <br>administration (oral medication), potentially lower <br>bleeding risk, and potentially improved patient <br>satisfaction <br>and adherence. Drawing definitive <br>conclusions is limited by heterogeneity among the <br>included studies. Variations in patient populations, <br>surgical procedures, and follow-up durations hinder a <br>more conclusive comparison. Additionally, the potential <br>for bias in some studies necessitates a cautious <br>interpretation of the results. This review also has <br>limitations, as it does not explicitly appraise the <br>methodological quality of each included study. Despite <br>these limitations, aspirin emerges as a potentially viable <br>alternative, and perhaps even an excellent option, for <br>DVT prophylaxis after orthopedic surgery in specific <br>scenarios. However, limitations within the current <br>evidence necessitate further research with standardized <br>protocols and rigorous methodological evaluation. <br>Individualized approaches that consider patient-specific <br>risk factors and surgical procedures are crucial. If future <br>research confirms aspirin's efficacy and safety profile, <br>its ease of use and potential benefits could lead to it <br>becoming a preferred option for DVT prophylaxis.</p>2024-09-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal For International Medical Graduates Psychological Association (APA) Ethics Code and California Laws and Licensing Requirements to be a Psychologist2024-08-21T07:27:29+00:00Hassaan<p>In this short article, I will cover the summary of the<br />American Psychological Association (APA) ethics code<br />and the licensing requirements to become a<br />psychologist in the state of California for international<br />medical graduates (IMGs) planning to be licensed in<br />California. Each state can have different requirements,<br />so IMGs should refer to their respective state<br />psychology boards for specific licensing requirements.</p>2024-08-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal For International Medical Graduates of Endotracheal Tube (ETT) and Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) in Pediatric Anesthesia: A Systematic Review2024-07-15T03:30:19+00:00Erica Kirubel T. Hailuinfo@jimgs.comKorlos Salibinfo@jimgs.comSanath Savithri Nandeeshainfo@jimgs.comAlousious Kasaggainfo@jimgs.comChnoor Hawramiinfo@jimgs.comPousette<p>The present systematic review compares the effects of<br>the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) and the endotracheal<br>tube (ETT) on hemodynamic response and airway<br>difficulties in pediatric anesthesia patients. The terms<br>"children," "postoperative," "pediatrics," "laryngeal<br>mask airway," "endotracheal tube," and "subglottic"<br>were utilized. The scope of the literature review was<br>limited to randomized controlled trials (RCTs), and<br>PubMed, Google Scholar, and the Cochrane Library were<br>among the databases searched. Two reviewers used the<br>Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool to assess quality. Eight RCTs<br>in total were included. When compared to the ETT,<br>results showed that the number of attempts for<br>endotracheal intubation was fewer than for the<br>placement of the LMA. Additionally, there was an<br>increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and mean arterial<br>pressure with the use of the ETT. The incidence of<br>postoperative respiratory complications, including<br>laryngospasm, bronchospasm, and sore throat, was<br>higher with the use of the ETT. We conclude that the use<br>of the LMA can be a safe alternative to the ETT in<br>pediatric patients, producing fewer hemodynamic<br>changes and postoperative complications.</p>2024-07-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal For International Medical Graduates Clinical Skills: Why Personal Development is Essential for Modern Physicians 2024-09-24T17:46:02+00:00Hassaan Rana Ahmad Dhuha S. Al-taieinfo@jimgs.comYonas Tamane<p>People normally put a high value on education almost <br>all over the world.We go to school all through out our <br>childhood,then for physicians it means complete <br>undergraduate and medical degrees as well as <br>residency to be able to do what you want.However, <br>some people stop actively seeking to learn ,develop,and <br>grow different areas of their growth or lives and <br>interests when they graduate and move into workforce <br>this is not uncommon to see.Personal development is <br>not limited to the coaching industry or business <br>professionals; it is a crucial discipline for all individuals <br>across every field, including medicine. While medical <br>doctors acquire extensive knowledge in medicine during <br>their university education, personal development <br>remains largely overlooked in academic curricula <br>worldwide. However, through consistent, daily <br>improvements, doctors can significantly enhance both <br>their personal lives and professional careers within just <br>a few years.</p>2024-09-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal For International Medical Graduates