Ethical aspects of cosmetic and body enhancement surgeries in adolescents and minors: an opinion article
cosmetic, body-enhancement, surgery, adolescent, ethical, minorsAbstract
Recently, social awareness of improvements in surgical
techniques has caused an increased demand for
cosmetic surgeries for different reasons among
teenagers and adolescents. In my opinion, physical
appearance and aesthetics are now more valuable than
other core personal values. Psychosocial factors and
peer pressure are major drivers of this trend.
Mainstream media and the internet are also playing a
crucial role in advertising and glamorizing cosmetic
surgery procedures. I strongly believe that the
adolescent has not fully developed the needed
psychophysical balance to make such choices. In my
submission, doctors should evaluate every case within a
proper ethical and professional context and should turn
down unnecessary requests for cosmetic surgery by
teenagers and adolescents even if consent has been
duly obtained from parents and legal guardians.